
Argentinean dessert cream, Dulce de Leche

Traditional Asado Argentino.

Argentinean Empanadas, very popular
Regional Dishes: Taste of Cultures
Argentine flavors are a symbol and reflection of its history. Throughout the country, the inhabitants of each region turned into delicious regional dishes part of their culture and the nature’s gifts. The combination of fertile lands, history with European backgrounds and native traditions result in banquets as creative as delicious. The central region features the most exquisite cow beefs, accompanied by fresh vegetable salads. The North is full of Inca proceeding tastes, based on legumes and grains. Córdoba surprises visitors with its jams, cheeses and pork-derived products. Cuyo delights the palate with its fruits. The South offers fresh fish and dried fruits. It is a fascinating route, surround by a unique natural beauty. Welcome to Argentina, a gourmet paradise that will make your trip have a special taste!
Gastronomy in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is the perfect mixture of huge and fertile lands with a modern and European-like city. The region provides a varied menu, with classic, author, gourmet or fast-food restaurants.
Visitors may taste its “Asados”, made with the best cow meats of the country. They are accompanied by cow-derived offals generally paired with a good Argentine wine. Asados are more than a banquet; they ensure a friendly after-meal talk.
The region of the Hills of Tandil, is famous by its salamis and cheese.
The coast, towards the east of the region, offers a wide variety of maritime fish. Its restaurants offer from a very simple braded hake fillet, to exotic species like snake, cuttlefish, oysters and other mollusks.
The milk jam is a must: elaborated for the very first time in the province of Buenos Aires, this delicious jam is made with sugar and milk, and it is the country’s symbol. It is the ideal ingredient or stuffing for cookies, pastries, cakes and candies.
The daily menu in Buenos Aires is likely to include: Asado, breaded meat or chicken, pasta, potato chips, salads, stews, stewpots, meatballs, potato or vegetable tortillas, meat cakes, pizza, empanada, rice, matambre, fish fillets, rabas (squid slices), corn flour, bread, toasted bread, pastries, sandwiches, picadas and many desserts like alfajores, fruits, milk jam, quince or sweet potato jam cakes, sweet potato jam with cheese, bread and flan puddings, ice creams, whey cheese or apple cakes, puddings, cakes, quince jam pies and lemon pie.
Contact Camino Real if you wish to receive information about our polo and cultural trips to Buenos Aires.